Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thoughts on Partnership for 21st Century Skills

I spent some time looking over the Parnership for 21st Century Skills ( and I found it very interesting. I clicked on Ohio's link and read, which is referred to as Route 21. I think the idea behind it is beneficial to students. I remember hearing and learning a little about P21 when I was working towards earning my bachelor's degree, but I had never visited the website. I think the concept is a smart idea and find that even though P21 is rarely mentioned in my school district, we are expected to fuse our academics with the 4 C's (critical thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration, and creativty/innovation). We as educators must help students close the gap between the classroom and real worldby preparing students by aligning the two enviroments. Educators are expected to this by fusing the 3 R's and 4 C's together. For educators, this means creating lessons that hit the content standards, but also teach the students real world skills. This calls upon teachers to be creative in their lesson planning. After visiting the website, I was suprised by all the resources and online tools provided. This could be very beneficial, but also time consuming for teachers to look through and find different activities that they could use in their classrooms.

1 comment:

  1. Meredith,
    As a fellow Special Educator, How do we include our students into the P21 environmnet? I am not saying that my students cannot do the 4C's but I wonder how to specifically teach these ideas to my students? What problems to you think could occur?
    My main concern for my students is the time this may takes from the basic curriculum. A huge majority of my students are trying to master phonics and decoding not how to critically read a website.

    Forrest Willoughby
    Special Education Teacher
    Mount Vernon High School
    Mount Vernon, WA
